I’m going on a month-long blogging road trip through Manitoba this summer! … and it starts in two days! I’ll begin my journey in Winnipeg this Wednesday where I’ll be meeting up with the fine folks at Travel Manitoba who are generously hosting …

Perspectives and insider tips from a Vancouver local
I’m going on a month-long blogging road trip through Manitoba this summer! … and it starts in two days! I’ll begin my journey in Winnipeg this Wednesday where I’ll be meeting up with the fine folks at Travel Manitoba who are generously hosting …
A few weeks ago Visit Seattle contacted me by Twitter and invited me to come to Seattle as their guest. Last year they invited social media influencers from along the west coast to spend two days in Seattle as a part …
Are women truly rare amongst record collectors? That’s the question my sister asked a group of over 500 women on a private Facebook group we belong to. She wrote: Are any [of you women] also enthusiastic vinyl collectors? I’ve toyed …
Merry Christmas everyone! Having just spent the past 48 hours visiting my family, stuffing myself silly, and drinking myself merry, I figured I’d share with you a moment from the other week at the ANZA Club during the infamous annual Guided …
My Twitter profile says I’m a Vancouver “flâneuse”. A flâneuse is the feminine version of the French word flâneur, a term popularized in the the 19th century to describe a man of leisure who’d anonymously stroll the streets of Paris …
As an unabashed geography nerd, it absolutely delights me to share with you my recent finding: MAPfrappe. The concept? Using Google Maps, you can draw an outline of one part of the world (ex: the outline of Vancouver Island) and …
Early this morning I learned that NASA’s Voyager 1 entered a “new realm” at the edge of the Solar System that they hadn’t anticipated or predicted existing. They’ve named this zone the “magnetic highway” and it’s basically the last layer of the …